Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 6: "You Can't Keep a Good Bat Down"

Hey, batloggers! (Is that what I called you last time?  I'm not sure.)

Well, I've been battling a Mr. Freeze level cold for that last couple of days, so that kept me from my scheduled workout yesterday.  We're back at it today, thought!  I am also aware that we missed our weekly Bat Challenge yesterday; we'll take care of that today, too.


A special note for those attempting this at home, today's workout was exceptionally difficult for me.  (But, admittedly, I am in horrible shape.)  Also, you'll need something you can use as a pull-up bar for one of the exercises.  Don't worry, you'll know which one.

Today's Bat Workout:

2 Rounds: 1:30 Seconds Each Exercise(Sets of 2)
1a. Crab Crawl
1b. Jump Lunges
30 Second Rest
2a. Bear Crawl
2b. Ski Jumps
30 Second Rest
3a. Plank Jumps
3b. 180° Squat Hops
30 Second Rest

2 Rounds; 40 Seconds Each 
4a. Scissor Kicks on a Pull-up Bar (See? Told you.)
10 Second Rest
4b. High Hops
10 Second Rest
4c. Squat Thrusts
10 Second Rest
4d. Cross Punch x 2, Upper Cut x 2, and Front Kick x 2
10 Second Rest

2 Rounds, 20 Seconds Each (No Rest in Between)
5a. Boat Holds
5b. Body Rocks

No Finisher today!

Why not?

Bat Challenge Results (1/29/14):

Push-up Goal: 60
Prisoner Squat Goal: 70

Push-ups Completed in 60s: 30 (50%)
Prisoner Squats Completed in 60s: 33 (47%)

Rating: Average (42% to 62%)

Being On TV Doesn't Make
You Any Cooler!

I just can't quit you, Green Arrow!  Okay, have an outstanding day! Be the Bat!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 5: "Running Out Of Bat Themed Titles, But Not Out Of Steam"

Hey, Batloggers! (Yes!  That's a keeper! :D)  I'm not gonna sugar coat it, team.  Today has been a real drag.  Not only was I paid a surprise visit by Lord Montezuma, a class A villain of enviable tenacity, but I also began the detox program that was mentioned in previous posts.

As  I general rule, doggy diarrhea is HILARIOUS.
Anyway, you can buy this shirt on some site called zazzle.

I'll discuss the detox program in a separate post, by the way. (Spoiler: It is BLOODY horrible!  I just want to eat something with a face on it!)  Anyway, my epic struggle left me weak to the point of delirium, but I still managed to complete today's workout.

My fevered dreams were delicious and featured
loads of unfolded laundry to distract me. Thanks brain!

So, without further ado, here it is:

Today's Bat Workout:

3 Rounds; 30 Seconds Each
1a. Sprint to High Knees
1b. Deadman Bicycles
1c. Cross Body Mountain Climbers
1d. Ladder Heisman(s)

2 Rounds; 30 Times Each 
2a. High Knees
2b. Star Jumps
2c. Jump Rope
2d. Punches

Tabata (20 Seconds on, 10 Seconds Off) 5 Times Through
3a. Alternating Toe Touches
3b. Planks

Finisher Every Minute on the Minute (5 Minutes)
1.Squat Thrust to Tuck Jump (Goal: 8 to 10 Times/min)

Okay, team!  Keep up the good work!  Be the Bat!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

"Battrition 2": "Sabian Que Batman Tomaba Mate?!?" or "The Bat Loves Caffiene, If You Know What I Mean!"

Well, that didn't take long!  Did you guys know Batman has had Yerba Mate before?  Way to make the list, South America!  For those of you have not tried mate, I hope the panel below is reason enough to give the stuff a shot.  A word of caution, the stuff is bitter as all hell, but it is energizing and seems like a natural fit for our hero.  (Don't forget about our friend coffee, though.  He's a keeper.)

And bring me one of those saucy Argentinian broads, while you are at it!

 Okay then, off to make some mate!  Be the Bat!

"Battrition": Is It A Portmanteau of Bat and Nutrition or Bat and Attrition? You decide!

As I may have mentioned before, I'm too lazy to actually re-read my previous posts and verify it, one of the topics I'd like talk about here is nutrition.  While I will be posting my meals and such to this blog, as a matter of personal curiosity, I'd also like to determine if there are any comic books that make mention of what Batman eats.  Now to accomplish this, I will be enlisting the aid of many members of the Bat-family.  (And also the whole of reddit.^_-)  Thus far, I've come across many sites listing what Batman would eat, but have not found a whole lot of reference to comic books citing what he does eat. (It also seems there is a reasonably large subset of humanity that suggests he eats justice - which is outstanding.)

When it comes to nutrition, money is no object.

Long story short, while I was able to dig up a number of sources that show him eating something or reference Alfred preparing a meal, I didn't really come across any particular mention of a general diet he adhered to.  I did, however, get turned on to a reference made on a website called Evil
Not only did this article prove that my noble endeavor to be the bat is shared by nerds across the interwebs, but it also provided a printed record of a purported Bat Diet.  I am going to include the images they so graciously published here, but please give them some love for tracking the information down.
(Also, here is a link to the source material, in case you feel like dropping some cash on it - Batman: The World of the Dark Knight.)

That seems doable, right? :D

This same source also provides a workout schedule.

Er, this seems less doable...

There you have it! If anyone out there comes across something else, please let me know! If it's good info and I use it, I'll perform an embarrassing g-rated exercise of your choice!  Probably.

Also, for your reading enjoyment, here is a list of some Batman issues that reference meals being had by either Team Batman or Batman himself.  (Special thanks to our resident Oracle for tracking these down!)

126-Saw Kathy to dinner 
157-He held a dinner party
211-Attended an awards dinner
215-Attended an honors dinner
270-Attended dinner hosted by Gotham City Civic Committee
313-Dinner date with Selina Kyle
446-Political dinner
495-Wayne Foundation dinner
523-Hosts a dinner party for 3 political candidates
545-Lunch date with Vesper Fairchild
675-Dinner with Jezebel Jet
Dark Knight:
Vol. 2 Issue 2 - Dinner with Jaina Hudson
Vol.2 Issue 15 - Coffee!

Some Links:
Okay, well, see you a little later!  I still have to post a little something about the upcoming Bat-detox, so stay tuned and continue to BE THE BAT!

Day 4: "Batman Returns": Confessions of a Dark Knight

Hey, world, it's been a few days!  How's everyone doing? ::deafening silence::


Anyway, as a true testament to my fattitude and not my battitude, I took the last couple of days off from working out. It was glorious!

I regret nothing!

To be fair, I plan to take two days a week off from Bat-training as a standard practice.  (I will use that time to pursue other interests and may or may not blog as a consequence; I know you are all crushed by this news.^_-)  But, enough about that.  I am back on it and that means another workout to post!

Today's Bat Workout:

2 Rounds; 45 Seconds Each
1a. Squat Thrust Clean and Press
1b. Romanian Dead Lifts
1c. Ice Skaters

2 Rounds; 45 Seconds Each
2a. Alternating Reverse Lunges w/Rotational Leg Drives
2b. Weighted T-Plank Push-ups (20 lb. Dumbbells)
2c. Belt Kicks

2 Rounds; 45 Seconds Each
2a. Kettle Bell Swings (45 lbs.)
2b. Inchworms
2c. Belt Kicks

Finisher 30 Seconds Each
2. Wacky Jacks (These have "Joker" written all over them...)
3. High Knees
4. Butt Kickers
5. Jump Rope
6. Cross Crawl

And there you have it.  Be the Bat and keep checking in for new and exciting news*!

*Depending on your level of exposure to excitement, this may or may not be true.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Sixty-eight...

I've decided to make a very conscious effort to start using the stairs whenever practicality and decorum allow it.  I know it may sound like a whole lot of nothing to you all, but bear in mind that the stairwell in my apartment is an implement of torture so fiendish it would feel right at home in 15th century Spain.

Hey, now that you mention, I kinda see it...

There are 68 steps between the ground floor and my final destination.  They are the most vile 68 steps of my day.  That's all I have to say about that.

Stair well?  More like stair HELL, amirite?

Thanks for dropping by!  Be the Bat!

Day 3: "Uphill Bat-tle": It Hurts Way Too Much To Come Up With A Decent Pun

Hello, internet, how are you?

Today's workout wasn't quite as painful yesterday's, but my decidedly untrained body is feeling like Tim Robbins in a record store.  (Click on the link if that makes no sense to you.)

I think this picture really captures my sense of quiet desperation.  What do you think?

That ass tho'!

Today's Bat Workout:

2 Rounds; 45 Seconds Each
1a. Push-Up (Opposing Arm & Leg At Top)
1b. Broad Jump Windmill
1c. Reverse Lunge to Knee Raise
1d. Alternating Foot Jump Rope*

*The jump rope is imaginary, but no less vicious.

2 Rounds; 60 Seconds Each
2a. 30 Second Squat Hold/30 Second Squat Jump
2b. 30 Second Boat Holds/30 Second Core Rocks
2c. 15 Second Right Leg Cross Crawl Hold, 15 Second Left Leg Cross Crawl Hold/30 Heisman Run
2d. Plank to Superman (Bah) to T-Plank

Finisher 6 Rounds (20 Seconds On to 10 Seconds Rest)
1.Dashing in Place
2.Boxing Burpees

And there you have it.  I'm going to meditate and cry myself to sleep.  See you all tomorrow and, remember, be the bat and not the guano!