Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 3: "Uphill Bat-tle": It Hurts Way Too Much To Come Up With A Decent Pun

Hello, internet, how are you?

Today's workout wasn't quite as painful yesterday's, but my decidedly untrained body is feeling like Tim Robbins in a record store.  (Click on the link if that makes no sense to you.)

I think this picture really captures my sense of quiet desperation.  What do you think?

That ass tho'!

Today's Bat Workout:

2 Rounds; 45 Seconds Each
1a. Push-Up (Opposing Arm & Leg At Top)
1b. Broad Jump Windmill
1c. Reverse Lunge to Knee Raise
1d. Alternating Foot Jump Rope*

*The jump rope is imaginary, but no less vicious.

2 Rounds; 60 Seconds Each
2a. 30 Second Squat Hold/30 Second Squat Jump
2b. 30 Second Boat Holds/30 Second Core Rocks
2c. 15 Second Right Leg Cross Crawl Hold, 15 Second Left Leg Cross Crawl Hold/30 Heisman Run
2d. Plank to Superman (Bah) to T-Plank

Finisher 6 Rounds (20 Seconds On to 10 Seconds Rest)
1.Dashing in Place
2.Boxing Burpees

And there you have it.  I'm going to meditate and cry myself to sleep.  See you all tomorrow and, remember, be the bat and not the guano!

1 comment:

  1. great job, Bat! BE THE BAT! How is the meditation going?
