Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 4: "Batman Returns": Confessions of a Dark Knight

Hey, world, it's been a few days!  How's everyone doing? ::deafening silence::


Anyway, as a true testament to my fattitude and not my battitude, I took the last couple of days off from working out. It was glorious!

I regret nothing!

To be fair, I plan to take two days a week off from Bat-training as a standard practice.  (I will use that time to pursue other interests and may or may not blog as a consequence; I know you are all crushed by this news.^_-)  But, enough about that.  I am back on it and that means another workout to post!

Today's Bat Workout:

2 Rounds; 45 Seconds Each
1a. Squat Thrust Clean and Press
1b. Romanian Dead Lifts
1c. Ice Skaters

2 Rounds; 45 Seconds Each
2a. Alternating Reverse Lunges w/Rotational Leg Drives
2b. Weighted T-Plank Push-ups (20 lb. Dumbbells)
2c. Belt Kicks

2 Rounds; 45 Seconds Each
2a. Kettle Bell Swings (45 lbs.)
2b. Inchworms
2c. Belt Kicks

Finisher 30 Seconds Each
2. Wacky Jacks (These have "Joker" written all over them...)
3. High Knees
4. Butt Kickers
5. Jump Rope
6. Cross Crawl

And there you have it.  Be the Bat and keep checking in for new and exciting news*!

*Depending on your level of exposure to excitement, this may or may not be true.

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