Saturday, January 25, 2014

"Battrition": Is It A Portmanteau of Bat and Nutrition or Bat and Attrition? You decide!

As I may have mentioned before, I'm too lazy to actually re-read my previous posts and verify it, one of the topics I'd like talk about here is nutrition.  While I will be posting my meals and such to this blog, as a matter of personal curiosity, I'd also like to determine if there are any comic books that make mention of what Batman eats.  Now to accomplish this, I will be enlisting the aid of many members of the Bat-family.  (And also the whole of reddit.^_-)  Thus far, I've come across many sites listing what Batman would eat, but have not found a whole lot of reference to comic books citing what he does eat. (It also seems there is a reasonably large subset of humanity that suggests he eats justice - which is outstanding.)

When it comes to nutrition, money is no object.

Long story short, while I was able to dig up a number of sources that show him eating something or reference Alfred preparing a meal, I didn't really come across any particular mention of a general diet he adhered to.  I did, however, get turned on to a reference made on a website called Evil
Not only did this article prove that my noble endeavor to be the bat is shared by nerds across the interwebs, but it also provided a printed record of a purported Bat Diet.  I am going to include the images they so graciously published here, but please give them some love for tracking the information down.
(Also, here is a link to the source material, in case you feel like dropping some cash on it - Batman: The World of the Dark Knight.)

That seems doable, right? :D

This same source also provides a workout schedule.

Er, this seems less doable...

There you have it! If anyone out there comes across something else, please let me know! If it's good info and I use it, I'll perform an embarrassing g-rated exercise of your choice!  Probably.

Also, for your reading enjoyment, here is a list of some Batman issues that reference meals being had by either Team Batman or Batman himself.  (Special thanks to our resident Oracle for tracking these down!)

126-Saw Kathy to dinner 
157-He held a dinner party
211-Attended an awards dinner
215-Attended an honors dinner
270-Attended dinner hosted by Gotham City Civic Committee
313-Dinner date with Selina Kyle
446-Political dinner
495-Wayne Foundation dinner
523-Hosts a dinner party for 3 political candidates
545-Lunch date with Vesper Fairchild
675-Dinner with Jezebel Jet
Dark Knight:
Vol. 2 Issue 2 - Dinner with Jaina Hudson
Vol.2 Issue 15 - Coffee!

Some Links:
Okay, well, see you a little later!  I still have to post a little something about the upcoming Bat-detox, so stay tuned and continue to BE THE BAT!


  1. Can I cash in on those g-rated exercises? Please complete as many Burpees as you can in 60 sec. Good luck and may the Schwartz be with...erm, I mean "be the bat".

    1. 60 Burpees!? Wait a second, if I rearrange those letters...I get "Let Huff Fight Often" And a leaving in a huff, implies anger - which would be the obvious result of doing 60 burpees...NICE TRY RIDDLER! Go troll elsewhere!
