Sunday, January 19, 2014

Vital Statistics: A Comparison, but Not an Indictment

So why start this blog?  As I mentioned in my inaugural post, the basic premise of this site is to capture my journey from my current state to some ideal I consider to be acceptable.  For the purposes of my own entertainment, and yours too I hope, I've decided that I will endeavor to achieve the lofty heights of DC Comics' very own Batman.  Why Batman you ask?  Well, aside from my own preternatural fascination with the character, a condition shared by many, if the internet is any indication, I find there is a lot of merit to the ideals laid out by Bob Kane's iconic hero. While some might argue that being devoid of super abilities makes becoming Batman a more attainable goal, I tend to find that a fairly humorous conceit.  What I will grant you, however, is that the character embodies the zenith of human ability. (Psychological trauma notwithstanding...)  As a master detective, he has not only attained a physique that permits him to trounce foes that regularly tangle with the likes of his super powered contemporaries, he has also forged his mind into a tool that is sharper and more versatile than any gadget in his arsenal.  (Yet, if I were to give you a short answer on why I'm trying to be become "like Batman", it'd be because it's a fun idea for me.)  To that end, I plan not only to engage in activities that will train my body, but also to further my education on as many levels as I can squeeze in.  (I do have a day job, you know? ^_-)

                                                     (Image taken from

So, while right now I have a whole jumble of ideas and features that I would like to add to this blog, first thing's first; I need some metrics.  Below, I will be posting Batman's vital statistics as captured by the Super Hero Database. (  I'm actually not certain that the website is officially endorsed by DC, but darn if I care.  (It does fall in line with many of the sources I found on-line so we'll go with it for now.)

Name: The Batman
Secret Identity: Bruce Wayne
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 210 lbs.
Occupation: Crime Fighter/Billionaire Playboy and Industrialist

Measurement List:

1.) Upper Arm (R and L)
2.) Fore Arm (R and L)
3.) Chest
4.) Thigh (R and L)
5.) Calf (R and L)
6.) Waist
7.) Shoulder

(Additional Information to be Added as Sources Located)
(I do not own this image or this character, as many of you may have already figured out.)

Name: The Bruno
Secret Identity: It's a Secret!
Height: 6'1" (Hey, almost!)
Weight: 278 lbs. (Jeez...)
Occupation: Engineer

Measurement List:

1.) Upper Arm (R and L)
2.) Fore Arm (R and L)
3.) Chest
4.) Thigh (R and L)
5.) Calf (R and L)
6.) Waist
7.) Shoulder

(Additional Information as Soon as I Can Get to It)
(I totally own this image.  Well, I suppose the internet owns it now, too.)

And so there you have it. :) Tomorrow I will begin to record my journey and flesh out the site.  Hopefully, things go well for me, heroes - otherwise this embarrassing picture will have been for naught!

Join us next time, same Bat Page, same Bat erm, domain!  I don't know...  I'll work on it.  

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