Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 5: "Running Out Of Bat Themed Titles, But Not Out Of Steam"

Hey, Batloggers! (Yes!  That's a keeper! :D)  I'm not gonna sugar coat it, team.  Today has been a real drag.  Not only was I paid a surprise visit by Lord Montezuma, a class A villain of enviable tenacity, but I also began the detox program that was mentioned in previous posts.

As  I general rule, doggy diarrhea is HILARIOUS.
Anyway, you can buy this shirt on some site called zazzle.

I'll discuss the detox program in a separate post, by the way. (Spoiler: It is BLOODY horrible!  I just want to eat something with a face on it!)  Anyway, my epic struggle left me weak to the point of delirium, but I still managed to complete today's workout.

My fevered dreams were delicious and featured
loads of unfolded laundry to distract me. Thanks brain!

So, without further ado, here it is:

Today's Bat Workout:

3 Rounds; 30 Seconds Each
1a. Sprint to High Knees
1b. Deadman Bicycles
1c. Cross Body Mountain Climbers
1d. Ladder Heisman(s)

2 Rounds; 30 Times Each 
2a. High Knees
2b. Star Jumps
2c. Jump Rope
2d. Punches

Tabata (20 Seconds on, 10 Seconds Off) 5 Times Through
3a. Alternating Toe Touches
3b. Planks

Finisher Every Minute on the Minute (5 Minutes)
1.Squat Thrust to Tuck Jump (Goal: 8 to 10 Times/min)

Okay, team!  Keep up the good work!  Be the Bat!


  1. Sir Bravo, what is that chicken like thing on your balcony?

  2. ahahahaha this is the best blog i've ever read! Bruno, I have also started the detox and am just barely able to choke down my smoothie... although, that could be partly due to the smoothie looking like and having the texture of vomit. Last night was really "roughage" (hahahahaha... get it? b/c of all the lettuce and vegetables...) and I was very hungry. Well, good luck to you, and I will look forward to your next post. Off to Be the Bat ::flaps away::!!!

    1. Nikki, you have such a wonderful personality! If only I knew you in really life :/
