Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 1: "We Are All Batman": Breathing Is A Bigger Deal Than You Probably Think It Is

So, as promised, I tried the Four Square Meditation Method.    This was actually much harder than I'd assumed it would be.  (Before you get all "judgey", I challenge you to give this thing a shot.  Holding your breath for four seconds is deceptively simple,* if you aren't prepared for it.)   Aside from the unexpected challenge associated with the controlled breathing, I found myself unable to truly clear all distraction from my mind.   It's not particularly surprising as I assumed that voiding** your mind of all its chatter was likely the hardest part and the greatest goal of any meditation regiment.  All in all, I can see where this might really help a person detach from the hustle and bustle of every day life. (Some of you are more bustly than others, so don't give up if you find this more challenging than my post would lead you to believe.) As of now, I feel it is entirely too soon to either endorse or denounce the whole thing, but I will keep you posted.

Also, I did have a number of thoughts about what else to add to the blog. One of the key items I would like to focus on is nutrition.  To that end, I will be researching what the Batman eats and will incorporate as much of that as is reasonable into my own diet.  I don't suspect I will be burning the kind of calories that our intrepid Dark Knight does so, assuming I am able to find any information on his diet to begin with, expect to see a comparatively lower caloric intake for the moment.

On that note, I will also be performing a two week long detox starting next week.  I will be posting more about that as we near the weekend; it should give you enough time to get the ingredients you need, should you decide to join me.  (It's probably going to be rough, but I knew the road to Batman-ness was not going to be easy!)

Is he holding his breath?  I don' t know.  The point is, if Aquaman can do it, so can you.

All right, thanks for dropping by.  See you soon!***

*Deceptively simple, in this case, meaning harder than it looks!
**The term "voiding" was probably a poor choice here, but I'm sticking with it.  Also, I imagined all my readership taking a collective poop.  I feel closer to you than I ever have.****
***I won't actually see you soon, but you know what I meant.
****Sorry, the pooping imagery was unnecessary.  Also, I suspect I don't have a readership, yet.


  1. Hi Batman. Thank you for your latest post. I am also starting to meditate and am having the same issues but expect to overcome them with practice.

    The detox sounds like a great idea and I'd like to join you. I'll look forward to more information about it!

  2. Hello Mr. Bravo. Your blog is amazing! I take meditation seriously and I'm glad you're trying it out for yourself. Back in Arbia, I would practice up to three times a day to fully rid my soul of extraneous problems. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

    1. Well, Michi, "Arbia" sounds like a pretty rough place. I'm glad to see that meditation helped you disconnect from the harsh reality of existence long enough to visit us! Where are you now? I will absolutely hit you up for some tip! Thank you for your visit!

    2. Are you insulting me Mr. Bravo? Do you wanna fight? That was a typo, I meant Arabia.

      ARABIA was a rough land to live on. I currently reside in Miami, Florida. It's a great place, have you ever been there before?

  3. Hey, Nikki, you're very welcome. How have you been doing with your meditation? I'm still having a rough time, but I continue to press on. I'll be talking about the detox tonight. It is actually awful. I regret every second of it but, hey, only 13 more days to go...
